Inscape Beauty Salon

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Steps to Take for Coronavirus Prevention in Hair Salons

Amidst the global pandemic known as the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, many employees are opting to work from home to prevent exposure and limit the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, this is not feasible for all professions. Hairstylists and barbers, much like healthcare workers, simply cannot perform their jobs while practicing social distancing measures, as instructed by the Center for Disease Control. In these scenarios where keeping six feet is simply not plausible, there are other ways to ensure the safety of stylists, staff members, clients and the general public alike.

  1. Clean and Sanitize Surfaces More Frequently

COVID19 is a virus that can be spread through the air and through contaminated surfaces. While high-quality salon owners always prioritize cleanliness, increasing the frequency of cleaning with ethanol, hydrogen-peroxide or bleach-based product is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of transmission. This includes bathrooms, counters, salon phones, personal cell phones, and even doorknobs. Extra care should also be taken when sanitizing typical tools and chairs. Providing anti-bacterial wipes for clients to use on their own for these areas is also highly recommended.

2. Increase Handwashing

Handwashing, when done properly, can kill the virus, along with other harmful bacteria. Use warm water and soap and scrub your hands for approximately twenty-seconds (or long enough to sing “Happy Birthday” twice). When you finish, dry them with paper towels instead of an air dryer. If water or soap isn’t immediately available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. Make Hand Sanitizers Readily Available to Staff and Clients

Encountering credit cards, cash or high-traffic surfaces is difficult for both clients and staff members to avoid. Be sure to accommodate everyone by providing and encouraging the use of hand sanitizers as often as warranted.

4. Be Vocal About Precautions Being Taken

If additional cleaning and sanitizing, brief shutdowns, or other steps are taken in response to COVID-19 prevention, be sure to inform clients and staff members. This will act as a reminder for them to follow these policies, while also providing comfort that appropriate measures are being made.

5. Encourage Rescheduling and Employee Sick Days

It can be difficult to distinguish the difference between allergies, a simple cold, and coronavirus. When in doubt, encourage staff members and clients alike to avoid visiting the salon if they are showing any signs of illness. For stylists or staff members with known seasonal allergies, encouraging the use of a face mask can help put unfamiliar client’s minds at ease.

6. Rearrange Chairs and Waiting Areas

While clients and stylists must come into close contact with one another, this doesn’t mean that they can’t maintain their distance from others. If waiting areas tend to get crowded, rearrange the space or encourage clients not to arrive more than a few minutes in advance. During a salon service, the six-foot rule can be applied by spacing out salon chairs or only utilizing every other chair. This minimizes the amount of interaction to only what is necessary to provide or receive a service.

Here at Inscape Beauty Salon, we are taking all of these precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff, loyal clients and community. If you are experiencing any signs of illness, we encourage you to join us on our mission to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and contact us at (954) 212-9806 to reschedule any existing appointments. If you believe you have been exposed to the virus, be sure to follow the guidelines recommended by the CDC and contact your physician by phone for additional information.