Inscape Beauty Salon

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Moving From New York to Florida: How to Find a New Hair Salon

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the New York metro area was already beginning to experience a loss of more than 100 residents per day. The vast majority of those relocating from the Big Apple packed their bags and headed for the Sunshine State. After the pandemic; however, this number has nearly tripled and Florida is seeing a dramatic increase in migrations of residents from New York. Although Florida’s less crowded streets and ability to social distance has spurred the move sooner than many anticipated, the beautiful weather, lenient tax laws and the fact that the cost of living in Miami is half that of living in NYC are also fueling the trend. While you may relish the opportunity to skip Manhattan’s rush hour traffic and spend your weekends frolicking on the beach, the relocation also means that you have to say goodbye to your favorite big city hair salon. So, how can these new-in-town residents find a new hair salon in Florida? Check out our tips:

1. Do Your Research

Online reviews are one of the most popular resources for getting a feel for any new establishment you are interested in visiting. When it comes to florida hair salon reviews, it can also give you an idea of their strengths and weaknesses. If you value a spa-like venue, for instance, you can browse photos taken by real patrons and read about their experiences instead of relying on staged photos. Likewise, you can get a good feel for the most popular services and the staff at each salon without ever stepping foot in the venue.

2. Ask Around

If you prefer reviews from those you know, it can be helpful to ask friends, family members or co-workers for recommendations. Many are happy to share their experiences and recommend their favorite stylists. You can also reach out to locals through social media groups to see which hair salons are most recommended and which you should avoid. This can also be a great icebreaker for meeting people in your new town.

3. Schedule a Consultation

It can be tough to trust a new stylist, especially if you had a long-term relationship with your old one. Before jumping in, schedule a consultation with a new stylist in Florida. This will give you the opportunity to learn about their experiences and view their portfolio. It also allows you plenty of time to discuss your concerns and explain exactly how you like your hair cut or color.

4. Schedule a Blowdry Appointment

If you are still feeling unsure after a consultation at a local Florida hair salon, try a test run with a blowdry appointment first. This will enable you to get a better feel for how the salon and stylist operate without making a commitment to anything permanent. If you like what you see, you can move forward with a cut or color but if not, you can avoid any awkward encounters.

5. Shop Around

Above all, be sure to shop around until you find a new hair salon in Florida that you love. The experience should be relaxing and positive! If you’re feeling anything less than ecstatic with the services you received at one salon, try another one and keep going until you find one that leaves you feeling as good as your old one in New York did.

New to Florida and looking for high-quality and cutting-edge services like the ones you had in New York? Reach out to the skilled stylists at Inscape Beauty Salon to see if we’re a good fit for you or book an appointment online now.