6 Hair and Beauty Products to Ditch During Spring Cleaning

Spring is right around the corner here at Inscape Beauty Salon. While we eagerly anticipate the blooming of flowers and the arrival of warmer weather, it is also a popular time to refresh your home and your style. Many of us will spend the first weeks of Spring partaking in the annual tradition known as Spring Cleaning. During this time, we purge our homes and closets of outdated décor and cringe-worthy fashions from years past. Although it's simple to identify that outdated gingham tablecloth or the no longer trendy midriff baring tank, hair and beauty products are a little less apparent. Fortunately, we’re eliminating the guesswork and compiling the ultimate list of hair and beauty products to ditch while spring cleaning:

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Any Expired Cosmetics or Hair Products

Most people have accumulated a vast number of cosmetics, lotions and hair care products over the years. You may have used it frequently after purchasing it, only to have it replaced by a different product a few weeks or months later.

Over time, these products become somewhat forgotten or used sparingly. Unfortunately, all these products have expiration dates—even products that many people would not expect. Some common items include:

  • Sunscreen: 1 year

  • Loofas and other bath sponges: 3-8 weeks

  • Lotions: 6 months to 1 year

  • Deodorant: 3 years

  • Perfume: 2 years

  • Mascara: 3 months

  • Nail Polish: 1 to 2 years

  • Shampoos and Conditioners: 1 to 2 years

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Plastic Brushes

Plastic brushes, particularly those with two layers of bristles, are notoriously bad for your locks. They lead to breakage and make it easy to overbrush. Ditch the plastic varieties and explore options with natural bristles.

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Products Containing Parabens, Sulfates and Silicone

Each of these are commonly used in cosmetics, but they have a particularly bad reputation in the world of hair care. This is because they all ultimately harm the hair. Parabens are a preservative that allows products to last longer than they would naturally, however they can enter the body. Likewise, they can lead to dry and frizzy hair. Sulfates, on the other hand, are what give some shampoos that ultra-bubbly lather. They make the hair feel clean, but this is because they are stripping the hair of its natural oils which can lead to breakage over time. Meanwhile, silicone coats each strand of hair, giving the illusion of added moisture. They only serve as a filler and cause build up which weighs down the hair. For healthier hair, toss products containing these products and substitute them for more natural ones.

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Whether the glitter is designed for the hair, lips, body or eyes, glitter is a makeup trend that has come and gone. While it can look fantastic on runways and photoshoots, it isn’t practical for everyday use. Likewise, it tends to cause skin and eye irritation for many and is made up of harmful microplastics that litter the ocean. Unless you’re saving your glitter-based products for Halloween, it’s safe to toss them in the waste basket during this year’s spring cleaning.

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Tight Elastics

Overly tight elastics are extremely damaging to the hair. They can cause breakage, are often painful and can even cause hair loss. Toss uncovered elastics that snag the hair, as well and invest in scrunchies or loose spiral bands that drastically reduce the amount of damage.

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Box Hair Dyes

The temptation to turn your hair coloring to a D.I.Y project is hard to resist. Box dyes are available everywhere, from the grocery store to the pharmacy. They promise impressive results in a matter of minutes, right in your own home. For those with busy lives, it seems like an incredibly simple and affordable solution for gray coverage or a quick change. Unfortunately, box dyes have a reputation for damaging hair and presenting outrageous results. All too often, we have clients at our hair salon who have given in to this temptation and end up with dry, brittle locks or an unflattering orange hue. Hair color correction near Fort Lauderdale, and around the globe, can become costly and time consuming depending on the extent of damage. Instead, toss the box (and the risk) and head straight to Inscape Beauty Salon for beautiful, professional colors every time.

Want to freshen up your look as part of your spring-cleaning regime? Give us a call at (954) 212-9806 or book your appointment online.