Covid-19 and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

The virus that literally stopped the world in its tracks last year continues to remain a great threat to society. Among the devastating lives lost, another 60 million people have since recovered from Covid-19. Despite their initial symptoms being an awful memory of the past, many have discovered the effects of this viral infection are long-lasting. One of the most unexpected of these being significant hair loss.

How Much Hair Loss is Normal?

The average person has around 100,000 hair follicles on their scalp and each one can be in a different stage of the “life cycle” at any given time. While most of them will be in the active growing phase, others will be in the shedding portion of the life cycle. Because of this, it is common for a healthy individual to lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs per day. Although this may seem to be a significant amount, it isn’t uncommon for it to go unnoticed due to the sheer number of other hairs that still remain in place on the head. The hair shedding is usually most noticeable when washing or brushing the hair and is perfectly normal. If you seem to be losing significantly more hair or it is falling out in patches, this may be a sign of an underlying condition or the result of COVID-19.

How Does COVID-19 Cause Hair Loss?


Those who have reported hair loss after testing positive for COVID-19 typically report its occurrence several months after recovery. It is often significant and falls out in clumps. This is alarming for sufferers; however, it is a common phenomenon that can occur after enduring a stressful event or an illness that comes along with a high fever. Known as telogen effluvium, the body responds to the stress or illness (or both) by prompting many hair follicles to enter the shedding stage at the same time. Hair loss after a COVID-19 infection may last for 6 to 9 months, but is not a cause for concern and will generally resolve without intervention. Despite this, those with severe hair loss may feel insecure or otherwise distressed about the situation. If you are struggling, consult your local Davie hair salon stylists.

How Can I Protect Myself?


Regardless of whether or not you have tested positive for the virus, it is crucial to remain diligent when it comes to protecting yourself and others. You should continue to refrain from large gatherings and should wear a mask whenever you are in close quarters with anyone outside of your household. Likewise, you should continue to wash your hands frequently while also sanitizing objects (including cell phones and credit cards) and surfaces. While you are likely able to resume visiting the hair salon in Davie, be sure to follow local guidelines for other activities and cancel existing appointments if you have any symptoms of illness. If you or a family member are at increased risk of complications due to a pre-existing condition, it may be wise to skip non-essential outings.

Are you struggling with hair loss as a result of Covid-19 and in need of professional advice? Reach out to one of our expert stylists or book an appointment at Inscape Beauty Salon online now for a consultation.