Stress and Its Effect On Your Appearance

Being in the midst of a global pandemic where everyone must take on new roles, be it working from home or teaching children, stress levels around the world are higher than ever. While we know that stress affects our mental state and even our physical health, few realize its impact on our appearance--especially when it comes to hair. 

The physical repercussions of stress are ones that many of us know all too well. From insomnia and headaches to upset stomachs and low energy levels (along with a slew of other problems), stress can truly prevent us from feeling our best. Not surprisingly, when we fail to feel our best, we often also fail to look our best. Some of the most common beauty blunders can actually be a manifestation of excess stress, such as acne, dark under-eye circles and even hair loss. While plenty of products exist that claim to alleviate these ailments, the best way to improve your appearance is to simply feel better by relieving stress. 

Consider these tips to reduce the stress in your life:

1. Explore Relaxation Techniques

There are a plethora of relaxation techniques that one can turn to in times of distress. While some find relief in deep breathing, others find that regular yoga or meditation sessions are the cure. The technique that works for one person doesn’t always necessarily work for another. Explore options that make you feel relief, whether that means taking a warm bath, going for a walk, listening to music, or reading a book.

2. Exercise Regularly


Exercise is crucial for optimal health, but it is also extremely effective in reducing stress levels. This is because when you exercise, your body produces endorphins that create a positive feeling. This, in turn, brings down stress levels. Keep in mind that exercise doesn’t have to occur in a gym or be part of a strict regime. A physical activity that you enjoy like riding a bike, taking a walk, hiking or swimming will produce the same effects. 

3. Treat Yourself

Sometimes one of the best ways to reduce stress is to indulge. Consider a visit to the local salon, treat yourself to a new outfit or try new beauty products. Regardless of how you choose to treat yourself, the key is to focus on yourself and your interests.

4. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

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We’ve all heard the phrase: you are what you eat. While this isn’t necessarily the case, the truth is that diet plays a large role in how you look and feel. Infact, many vitamin deficiencies can lead to stress, anxiety or depression. Be sure to eat a diet that is rich in iron and B vitamins which can decrease stress levels.

5. Speak to a Therapist

If your stress levels feel unmanageable, remember that you are not alone. Millions of people struggle with stress, anxiety and depression across the country. Speaking with a therapist is a highly effective way to talk through your problems and learn techniques to manage your stressors. 

In need of a visit to the hair salon to help you look and feel your best? Schedule an appointment at Inscape Beauty Salon online now.