How to Repair Your Hair From Summer Fun

Has your summer been filled with beach trips, swimming pool excursions or other outdoor activities? While most of us are aware that our skin needs adequate protection from the sun in these scenarios, all too often our hair and scalp remains neglected. This means that you are likely to see dry and damaged locks or an itchy scalp after summer fun. So, how can you rejuvenate your hair after the damage has been done?

1.Prevention is Key

Preventing sun damage is crucial, so for further outdoor activities, be sure to start protecting your hair and scalp. This can be as simple as wearing a hat, if that's your style. Otherwise, be sure that your hair is moisturized. A deep conditioning treatment or hair oil can work wonders for battling the effects of the sun. Likewise, be sure to apply sunscreen to your part line or any areas of the scalp that are exposed to the sun. Even if you haven't done this in the past, it's never too late to start!

2.Determine What Your Hair Needs

Outdoor summer activities can cause a number of hair woes. Before attempting to resolve them, identify the problem that you are facing. If you spent a lot of time in the sun and you hair feels fried, for instance, you will want to infuse moisture. On the other hand, if you experienced sunburn on the scalp and have flakey skin, you will want a scalp specific remedy. It isn't enough to want your hair to look "better" without knowing your end goal. This is because most salon treatments in Davie, FL or at home are designed with specific results in mind. While they may aid in adding shine or moisture, this may not address your unique problem.

3.Explore Hair Treatments in Davie, FL

Hair that is severely damaged and looking lackluster after summer activities will likely require hair treatments in Davie, FL for long lasting results. There are a number of salon hair treatments available that can restore shine, strength and reverse the drying effects of chlorine exposure. Some of the most popular ones for salon-goers in the summer months include the L'Oréal Serie Expert Power mix Treatment, Pro Longer Filler Serie Expert Treatment and the Amino Acid Treatment. If you are unsure of which one will work best for your hair, be sure to consult your Davie hair stylists to choose the right one.

4.Continuing Care at Home

After experiencing a salon hair treatment and noting an improvement in your locks, it is important to continue to work on these issues at home for best results. Start by aiming to prevent damage which may include protecting your hair from the sun, soaking your hair in regular water prior to entering chlorinated water or laying off heated styling tools. Other tactics like wearing loose styles, eating a well-balanced diet, staying adequately hydrated and using shampoos and conditioners that are free of damaging sulfates and parabens help as well.

Do your locks need some serious moisture or repair after long days of fun in the sun? Book an appointment for a hair treatment in Davie, FL at Inscape Beauty Salon online today.